We All Start Somewhere
It was the Fall of 1934 and the United States was at the peak of the Great Depression. The roaring twenties brought a time of plenty, a bountiful harvest; all things Americana climbed upwards, soaring towards the heavens – it seemed like nothing could stop us. Economic prosperity in the form of GDP nearly doubled during the roaring twenties but American prosperity seemed to overstep its bounds as it came to a halt when the stock market crashed in 1929. In an act of God, America was cast down from the heavens. America was dethroned; the economic impact left a lasting impression on the face of the modern industrialized world. Like the serpent cast to the earth, American prosperity and beauty took a sheer turn and looked for something to devour. What once proudly walked the garden, now slithered in secret; for humility always comes with a cost.
In wake of the Great Depression America was left to slither, and just as the serpent could feel where its legs once were, when you move your hand over America’s past history the scars of prosperity can still be felt today. What is it that scars show? New skin being torn, freshness being purged, pleasure replaced with pain, renewal through imperfection? The very scar shows the fruit of uncertainty, even our very own DNA cannot rebuild our skin to look exactly as it once did prior to its destruction. It was this uncertainty that every American could feel during the rebuilding of scar tissue after the wound the Great Depression left.
Uncertainty is a stench that steals the breath from your lungs, it leaves a metallic taste in the back of your throat that you just can’t shake. Economic desperation like a slow-acting poison can make you feel what it really means to be alive, by staring down a slow death through a famine of income. This is the starvation of faith and when searching for other gods you become the kindling to the governmental flame called attrition. This is the death rattle of the American dream where American gods die, where one is left empty, moldable, and fillable.
Ada Kathleen Maddox
There was a teenager, who grew up in a devoutly religious home. She was the youngest of her family and she was known for constantly sneaking out with her older brother to party. Clashing with her religious upbringing during a time when it seemed like God had abandoned the nation, she ran away from home and became a lady of the night.
Charles Manson described his mother’s family in his own words in Nuel Emmon’s book “Manson in His Own Words” in the following light (1)
"Kathleen was the youngest of three children from the marriage of Nancy and Charles Maddox. Her parents loved her and meant well by her, but they were fanatical in their religious beliefs. Especially Grandma, who dominated the household. She was stern and unwavering in her interpretation of God's Will, and demanded that those within her home abide by her view of God's wishes.
My grandfather worked for the B&O Railroad. He worked long hard hours, a dedicated slave to the company and his bosses...He was not the disciplinarian Grandma was...If he tried to comfort Mom with a display of affection, such as a pat on the knee or an arm around her shoulder, Grandma was quick to insinuate he was vulgar.
For Mom, life was filled with a never-ending list of denials. From awakening in the morning until going to bed at night it was, "No Kathleen, that dress is too short. Braid your hair, don't comb it like some hussy. Come directly home from school, don't let me catch you talking to any boys. No, you can't go to the school dance, we are going to church..." In 1933, at age fifteen, my mother ran away from home.
Other writers have portrayed Mom as a teenage whore...In her search for acceptance she may have fallen in love too easily and too often, but a whore at that time? No!...In later years, because of hard knocks and tough times, she may have sold her body some..."
As a prostitute during the Great Depression, one could only begin to imagine the escape that the working-class man sought by escaping his uncertain future by diving into a fantasy world in the red-light district. When faced with troubling times, you find out quickly what you truly worship by seeing the fruit of creaturely comforts of fallen human beings and when you become that object of desire, you place yourself in danger of the fantasy of others. There is a thin line between un-tethered passions and sex, and death sits at the bottom waiting, while the life of prostitution constantly walked the line.
Kathleen Maddox
It was inevitable, she became pregnant, and gave birth to a child. A pregnancy that seems to be the exact juxtaposition of that of the Holy birth of Christ conceived by the Holy Ghost from the Virgin Mary, the birth of “No Name Maddox” spawned from the womb of a whore, one in desperate need of a Savior. Unlike Jesus, whose name was given to Mary by an Angel, this child had no name. Instead, in order to try and save ties with her family, the woman wanted her mother to meet and name the child. In her own words, she stated, “I figured I’d already hurt her pretty bad, so I wanted to let her name the baby, you see. So she named him after my father.”
It was on November 12, 1934; Charles Miller Manson entered the world in Cincinnati General Hospital as the illegitimate son of a sixteen-year-old Kathleen Maddox. His father was “Colonel Scott” from Ashland Kentucky. While in Cincinnati Kathleen found love and married a man named William Manson (this is where Charles Manson received his last name). However soon after the marriage, their ties were dissolved before young Charles could ever form a relationship with the man. Since trying to have a normal, stable life did not work out, Kathleen decided to make a change. The next five years of Manson’s life were on the run, moving from place to place with his mother. This was tumultuous at best, this was the kind of life that would make the life of a vagabond gypsy look like a life of luxury, one that mirrors the American dream.
Manson in Emmon’s book “Manson in His Own Words” when trying to justify his mother’s choices, or at least make sense of his traumatic upbringing stated, “Other writers have portrayed Mom as a teenage whore. Because she happened to be the mother of Charles Manson, she is downgraded. I prefer to think of her as a flower child in the 30s, thirty years ahead of her times.” I guess you need to cling onto what little you have when you have little to nothing at all. I do not blame Manson for choosing to see his mother this way, but you can see in his statement how his vagabond lifestyle at a young age left a lasting impact on how he viewed the world.
Kathleen’s life on the run came to a climax when she was arrested in 1939 for armed robbery. She and her older brother Luther were detained for trying to rob a gas station with a ketchup bottle. Always being the third wheel and now without his mother, Charles was sent to live with his aunt and uncle.
During his time with his aunt and Uncle, things took a more sadistic turn. Charlie’s uncle thought that Charles was somewhat of a sissy boy and made Charles dress up in girls’ clothing for his first day of school, hoping that the ridicule would make Charles act more like a man. Couple this twisted boyhood hazing with an extremely religious aunt, and the recipe for psychological torment was a true American horror story.
Flash forward three years, Kathleen is released from prison, it is 1942 and in an act of repentance, Kathleen regained custody of Charles. This could have possibly been a new era for Kathleen, a fresh start but like a dog that goes back to lick up its own vomit, Kathleen gave into alcohol. Maybe to dull the pain of childhood, or to try and feel anything at all Kathleen followed her heart's desire. In her drunken escapades, she would bring home multiple lovers, sometimes even of the same sex, and her passions were handed over to godless pursuits. Many times her son was handed over for her desires as well, she would habitually leave Charles with her neighbors, promising she would return within the hour but instead of her return she would vanish for days, sometimes weeks on end; leaving her relatives to pick up the pieces.
From Manson to Machine
Kathleen’s bad decisions were like a Rube Goldberg machine, but instead of pure magnificence when looking upon all of the mechanisms that are purposely put in place, leading to an orchestra of human ingenuity. We find that Kathleen’s decisions were sporadic and simple leading to a cacophony of pain and sin. Her life would be one that people would shelter their eyes from, and the leading victim of Kathleen’s life was her son, Charlie. Between 1942 and 1947, Charlie went through massive change, psychologically and spiritually, he went from being the young boy reclaimed by his mother to a thirteen-year-old rebel who couldn't quite understand why his mom and life seemed to place him in the crossfire. Without a home or a stable parent in his life, his heart became hardened, and like his mother, he began to hurt the ones he once loved. Kathleen understanding that he son was getting in the way of her life, then gave Charlie up to Gibault School for Boys in Terre Haute, Indiana.
This is when Charlie’s life on the run begins. He fled Gibault School for Boys after ten months, rejoining his mother. It is funny how humanity sometimes imitates nature. Or better yet, how sin makes men act like beasts. Akin to a goat pushing away her own young, Kathleen still didn't want Charlie. Abandoned by his mother, Manson took to living on the streets, making his way by theft.
In 1948, Manson committed his first known crime by robbing an Indianapolis grocery store. At first, the robbery was simply to find something to eat, but Charley found the cash register change in a cigar box hidden under the counter. It was just over a hundred dollars — more money than he’d ever seen in his life. The first thing Charley did was to rent a room on Indianapolis’ Skid Row, and eat as much as he could possibly handle. Fourteen-year-old Charley actually tried to go straight for a while by getting a job delivering messages for Western Union, but he quickly began to supplement his wages by petty theft. It wasn’t long before he was broke and Charley made the choice to steal whatever he could to accumulate a little extra money. After stealing a bicycle, Manson was arrested and the police discovered quickly that he was a runaway. The police located his mother, who brought Charley home, but he quickly ran away again. When caught, Manson was already honing his con-man skills by telling the Indianapolis juvenile officials; “I didn’t want to stay where mother lived in sin (2).”
He was then sent to live with his aunt in Indiana, ironically she lived in a home that was across the street from Central State Hospital, which was a hospital for the clinically insane. Interestingly enough part of the property of the hospital was a public playground for children. Manson couldn’t shake his upbringing and during this time he was in and out of the Marion County Juvenile Center. It is presumed that during Manson’s time in and out of the Juvenile Center he was raped multiple times, being only a five-foot-tall young man he would have been an easy target in the system.
Judge Joseph O. Hoffman with Manson
“A local priest, the Rev. George Powers, who worked with troubled youths at the Marion County Juvenile Center, tried to help the 14-year-old, whom he saw as "a very genuine lost little kid." Powers arranged for Manson to serve his time at Boys Town in Nebraska, which was at that time considered the best opportunity for reforming young boys in trouble. Marion County Juvenile Judge Joseph Hoffman agreed, and the March 7, 1949, Indianapolis News shows a photo of Hoffman and Manson shaking hands under the headline: "Dream Comes True for Lad; He's Going to Boys Town (3)."
However, Manson did not feel comfortable at this Boy’s Town. He then fled Father Flanagan’s Boy’s Town in a stolen car to visit relatives in Illinois. In order to fund his family reunion, Manson executed more robberies en route and on arrival, leading to another bust at age 13. He was then sent ashamedly sent back to reform school in Plainfield. We are told by Manson that masochistic abuse occurred at this reform school. It is stated that one guard would incite boys to do things to Manson while they sat on the sidelines and pleasured themself.
National Training School for Boys D.C.
In 1951 Manson escaped from the reformatory and headed west in a stolen car, it is thought that he burglarized up to 20 gas stations during this stint. Eventually, Manson is arrested in Utah and is sent to the National Training School for Boys in Washington, D. C. Here he is evaluated by a Psychiatrist who states that Manson is extremely sensitive but also very slick. It was the same physicians who then recommended that Charles Manson be transferred to Natural Bridge Honor camp. This is when Manson’s criminal acts turned into sheer horror.
In January of 1952 at Natural Bridge Honor Camp, Manson hold a razor blade to the boy's throat and sodomized him. He was then reclassified as "dangerous," sending Manson to a tougher lockup, logging eight major disciplinary infractions including three homosexual assaults. He was then transferred to another reformatory, one in Chillicothe, Ohio. A month after his transfer, Manson suddenly turned over a new leaf, becoming a "model" prisoner almost overnight. The cunning act was rewarded with parole in May 1954.
Upon becoming a free man Manson sought to reclaim his future. In 1955 Manson marries a woman named, Rosalie Willis, a waitress from Wheeling. Not long after Rosalie gave birth to Charles, Jr. Manson. At this point in time, Manson was working as a parking-lot attendant but he couldn’t stop his rebellion, he was also stealing cars for extra money. In September of 1955, Manson is arrested for auto theft. Manson was arrested a second time for driving hot cars interstate, in October 1955, but Manson got off easy with five years probation.
He celebrated by skipping a court date in Florida, on pending charges of auto theft, and his probation was promptly revoked. Authorities arrested Manson in Indianapolis on March 14, 1956, he was sent to the federal prison at Terminal Island, California, winning parole on September 30, 1958. During Charlie’s time at Terminal Island, he is introduced to Dale Carnegie's book “How to Win Friends & Influence People.” One of the key takeaways Manson had was the idea of getting someone to do something by manipulating them into thinking that your ideas are their ideas.
At this time Manson was twenty-six years old and he had spent the last fourteen years of his life in some form of custody. In 1958 Manson gets divorced and His ex-wife retains custody of their child during that same year Manson is released on parole. While on parole he becomes a pimp in Southern California, in an act of sheer irony he controlled women. Seems like Manson who could never control his own mother finally gained the ability to control women.
Manson living a life of crime while on parole couldn’t escape the consequences of his actions. On May 1, 1959, he was arrested for forging and cashing U.S. Treasury checks, for the sum of $37.50. Upon being caught by Secret Service agents, Charles actually swallowed the check when the agents had their backs turned. Upon awaiting trial, Manson remarried in January of 1960 to a nineteen-year-old. On April 28th, Manson was indicted on federal Mann Act charges. Manson was then picked up in Laredo, Texas after the police picked up one of his prostitues. Manson was then sent back to Los Angeles where on June 23, 1960 the court found that he was in violation of his probation and he was sent to prison to serve his ten year sentence.
In 1961 Manson is transferred to a federal penitentiary at McNeil Island, Washington. He claims to be a Scientologist. Prison psychiatrists say he has deep-seated personality problems. Entering the lock-up at McNeil Island, Manson listed his religion as "Scientologist"; his IQ was tested at 121. Charlie adopted the aspects of L. Ron Hubbards teachings that lent to being able to manipulate others. Many potential Prostitutes had terrible self-images. Telling such girls that (they didn’t have to be crippled by the past, that they were immortal spirits temporarily trapped in their bodies, that they were basically good and capable of achieving anything) could be a powerful recruitment technique. One of the most popular novels circulating in prison was Robert Heinlien’s “Stranger in a Strange Land” in this book the main character Mike founds his own faith, experiences group sex, uses psychic powers to make enemies disappear, and suffers a martyrs death who then returns in spirit form. As he would with the Bible, Dale Carnegie, & Scientology, Charlie would later incorporate elements of “Stranger in a Strange Land” into his Psuedophilosophy.
Alvin Creepy Karpis
During this time Charlie befriends McNeil’s most famous inmate Alvin “Creepy” Karpis who was proficient with the steel guitar and learned how to play from him. It’s also during this time that Manson gets introduced to the Beatles which gave him his drive to become a musician but also to become famous.
Machine Refined
Manson on March 21, 1967, over his own objections, was paroled and this is where things get interesting. Within days of his release, he violated parole and he was told part of his agreement was that he had to stay in LA County by moving to Berkeley, CA.
Instead of immediately sending Charles back to LA county for violating parole, when he called up San Fransisco County Parole Office, they welcomed him with open arms and transferred him to Roger Smith, an officer, and student at UC Berkely’s School of Criminology.
San Francisco Parole letter to LA County dated April 11, 1967 states,
“He had no parole documents (he impresses as a totally irresponsible individual)... the institution at Terminal Island tells us that this man was paroled on March 21, 1967, to the Central District of California (Los Angeles). Since this man indicates his intention to stay within the San Francisco Metropolitan area for the indefinite future we now indicate our willingness to accept transfer of supervision to this Northern District of California (4).”
Charles was then informed by Roger Smith that he should go to the Height Ashbury District in order to get in touch with the “vibe there.” From “Chaos,” Tom O’Neil’s book on Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties,
“During Manson’s first fourteen months of freedom in San Francisco - months during which he attracted the followers that became the family - he was given virtual immunity from parole revocation by Roger Smith. Under Smith’s supervision, Manson was repeatedly arrested and even convicted without being sent back to prison. It was up to Smith to revoke Manson’s parole - it was ultimately his decision. But he never reported any of his clients violations to his supervisors (5).”
Interestingly enough, Charles Manson was found to be consistently going to a place in Height Ashbury called the “Height Ashbury Free Medical Clinic,” which opened in June 1967. The Height Ashbury Free Medical Clinic was founded by David Smith, Roger Smith (who has no relation to David Smith) actually had an office at the Medical Clinic performing federal drug research while also being a Parole Officer for his Ph.D. program. Charles would frequent this place weekly for parole visits with his women followers who would get STD treatment at the Height Ashbury Free Medical Clinic. Interestingly enough Louis “Jolly” West also had an office in this clinic and was performing tests on the patients there, while also working for the CIA.
Before we dig into Louis “Jolly” West let’s get into some historical background of CIA Project MKULTRA and the connection between Governmental Hypnoassassins and Charles Manson.
Here are the following hearings that brought to light the fact that the U.S. Government was spying, and conducting trials on unknowing, and unwilling citizens and U.S. Military personnel.
Rockefeller Commission Hearings
The commission was created in response to a December 1974 report in The New York Times that the CIA had conducted illegal domestic activities, including experiments on U.S. citizens, during the 1960s. The commission issued a single report in 1975, touching upon certain CIA abuses including mail opening and surveillance of domestic dissident groups. It publicized Project MKULTRA, a CIA mind control study (6).
Church Hearings
During the mid-1970s, Senator Frank Church headed a Senate Intelligence Committee investigation into abuses committed by the CIA, including monitoring of U.S. citizens with no intelligence ties, the testing of LSD on unsuspecting participants, and numerous assassination attempts on the lives of foreign leaders.
“The Church Committee found that MKUltra had caused the deaths of at least two American citizens. One was a psychiatric patient who’d been injected with a synthetic mescaline derivative. The other was Frank Olson, a military-contracted scientist who’d been unwittingly dosed with LSD at a small agency gathering in the backwoods of Maryland presided over by Gottlieb himself. Olson fell into an irreparable depression afterward, which led him to hurl himself out the window of a New York City hotel where agents had brought him for “treatment.” (Continued investigation by Olson’s son, Eric — dramatized by Errol Morris in the series “Wormwood” — strongly suggests that the CIA arranged for the agents to fake his suicide, throwing him out of the window because they feared he would blow the whistle on MKUltra and the military’s use of biological weapons in the Korean War (7).”
Senators Ted Kennedy and Daniel Enneway Hearings
“The Joint Senate Committee Report (1977) revealed that CIA’s MKULTRA project had subjected 7,000 servicemen and women had been used as guinea pigs along with many thousands of unsuspecting, civilians, including children, and prisoners. In some cases the diabolical experiments resulted in permanently disabling its subjects. The salvaged documents that had been overlooked by Gottlieb and Helms were known within the agency as the “Family Jewels.” They provided a glimpse into the horrific — even depraved — nature of the experiments and the devastating effect on the (mostly) unwitting human victims. They proved to be a treasure trove for investigative reporters and historians. John Marks, whose Freedom of Information request was a three year struggle with the CIA, finally obtained 16,000 pages (8).”
Here is the history of Project MKULTRA. Project MKULTRA came about in phases, the first of which was Project Bluebird.
Project Bluebird 1948-1949
ALMOST AS SOON as they had access to it, government scientists saw LSD as a potential Cold War miracle drug. Full-fledged U.S. research into LSD began soon after the end of World War II when American intelligence learned that the USSR was developing a program to influence human behavior through drugs and hypnosis. The United States believed that the Soviets could extract information from people without their knowledge, program them to make false confessions, and perhaps persuade them to kill on command.
The CIA, then in its infancy, launched Project Bluebird, a mind-control program that tested drugs on American citizens — most in federal penitentiaries or on military bases — who didn’t even know about, let alone consent to, the battery of procedures they underwent.
Operation Bluebird morphed into Operation Artichoke, a search for an all-purpose truth serum.
Artichoke 1949-52
In 1952, Korea, captured American pilots and they admitted on national radio that they’d sprayed the Korean countryside with biological weapons. In order to save face, the CIA stated that this confession was from the Chinese, and the POWs must have been “brainwashed.” Brainwashed is a translation of the Chinese “xi nao,” this word did not appear in English before 1950. The CIA used this situation to create a fear of the power that other countries were developing truth-serums and other weapons that could be used to control the mind. Thus project Artichoke went into full effect.
Operation Midnight Climax 1953-1964
Operation Midnight Climax was one of the projects used to experiment on U.S. Civilians. This Operation was to lure unsuspecting “Johns” into safehouses. The safehouses were located in SF, NY, and LA. A safehouse was an apartment or house that would be repurposed to look like brothels and hippie communes in the safehouses were one-way mirrors, where the CIA would sit and watch the experiments. Here hookers would lure men into the safehouses and then would secretly dose the men with LSD or MDMA and have sex with them. After sex, the Hookers were then told to pry and get intimate information from the men. This is just one operation out of many within the MKULTRA project.
MK Ultra 1952-1970’s
Project MKULTRA had a goal which was to create a Hypnoprogram Assassins, also known as Manchurian Candidates. The idea was that through drugs and hypnotism, you could get people to commit acts of murder, or do things against their moral code. The Manchurian Candidates would then not have any memory or recollection of the event, essentially they would be assassins that would forget that they even did the crime. There was even an objective to create couriers, people who were hypnotized to send messages across dangerous areas, (during this time it was the Vietnam War), who would only have a recollection of the message they are to send, nothing else so that they couldn’t spill the beans. Then the messages would be wiped from their memory if they were captured. A Amnesiac Hypno-Programed Assassin.
“MKUltra was, as the New York Times put it, “a secret twenty-five year, twenty-five million dollar effort by the CIA to learn how to control the human mind.” Its experiments violated international laws, not to mention the agency’s charter, which forbids domestic activity (9).”
The lead scientist of MKULTRA was Dr. Sid Gottleib who wrote under many pseudonyms one of which was Dr. Sherman C. Grifford. Dr. Gottleib was in charge of almost all of the different scientific observations through the many different operations that were occurring throughout the states. One of such project was the Height Ashbury Project led by Louis Jolly West near the Height Ashbury Free Medical Clinic in San Francisco. The picture to the right is correspondence between Louis West and Sid Gottleib. Chemrophyl Associates is one of the many cover businesses or fronts from the CIA.
This correspondence shows that Louis Jolly West was indeed part of the MKULTRA project and that he was in cahoots with Sid Gottleib. Fast forward many more years and we now have Louis Jolly West at the Height Ashbury Free Medical Clinic, who is leading the Height Ashbury Project during the same time Charles Manson is frequenting the clinic.
Height Ashbury Project
“When he arrived in Haight-Ashbury, West was the only scientist in the world who’d predicted the emergence of potentially violent “LSD cults” such as Charles Manson’s Family. In a 1967 psychiatry textbook, West had contributed a chapter called “Hallucinogens,” warning students of a “remarkable substance” percolating through college campuses and into cities. LSD was known to leave users “unusually susceptible and emotionally labile.” It appealed to alienated kids who would crave “shared forbidden activity in a group setting to provide a sense of belonging.”
Acid, he wrote, made people more difficult to hypnotize; it was better to pair hypnosis with long bouts of isolation and sleep deprivation. Another of his papers, 1965’s “Dangers of Hypnosis,” foresaw the rise of dangerous groups led by “crackpots” who hypnotized their followers into violent criminality. He cited two cases: a double murder in Copenhagen committed by a hypno-programmed man, and a “military offense” induced experimentally at an undisclosed U.S. Army base. (It’s not at all clear that the latter referred to Shaver’s killing of Chere Jo Horton.)
He’d also supervised a study in Oklahoma City, in which he’d hired informants to infiltrate teenage gangs and engender “a fundamental change” in “basic moral, religious or political matters.” The title of the project was “Mass Conversion,” and it had been funded by Gottlieb.
In the Haight, West arranged for the use of a crumbling Victorian house on Frederick Street, where he set up what he described as a “laboratory disguised as a hippie crash pad.” The “pad” opened in June 1967, at the dawn of the summer of love. He installed six graduate students in the “pad,” telling them to “dress like hippies” and “lure” itinerant kids into the apartment. Passersby were welcome to do as they pleased and stay as long as they liked, as long as they didn’t mind grad students taking notes on their behavior.
This wouldn’t have been the agency’s first “disguised laboratory” in San Francisco. A few years earlier, the evocatively titled Operation Midnight Climax had seen CIA operatives open at least three Bay Area safe houses disguised as upscale bordellos, kitted out with one-way mirrors and kinky photographs. A spy named George Hunter White and his colleagues hired prostitutes to entice prospective johns to the homes, where the men were served cocktails laced with acid. The goal was to see if LSD, paired with sex, could be used to coax sensitive information from the men. White later wrote to his CIA handler, “I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun.”
At the Haight-Ashbury pad, though, West’s motives were vague. No one seemed to have a firm grasp of the project’s purpose — not even those involved in it. The grad students hired to staff West’s “crash pad” lab were assigned to keep diaries of their work. In unguarded moments, nearly all of these students admitted that something didn’t add up. They weren’t sure what they were supposed to be doing, or why West was there. And often he wasn’t there (10).”
So Jolly would send people from the Height Ashbury Free Medical Clinic over around the corner to Frederick Street to a Victorian Hippe Crash Pad so that they would be experimented on. They were learning how to control people's behavior without their knowledge. This was exposed in the senate during the congressional hearings in 1970’s. Seymour Hearsch NY times reporter 1974 on the front page of the paper (you can read about the hearings above in the blog, links to full hearings are available).
The Programmed Machine
The possibility of Manson being part of the MKULTRA project is interesting, the evidence is circumstantial. This is not evidence that can clearly show that he was involved but the information about the purpose of MKULTRA and the very synopsis of Charles’ methods of controlling his followers to commit murder is fascinating. The questions we should be asking are:
Why earlier in Manson’s life was he constantly placed back in prison when later in life when Roger Smith was his parole officer was he never placed behind bars for violating his parole?
What was happening when Manson would visit Roger Smith at the Height Ashbury Free Medical Clinic?
Was the Helter Skelter Motive by Vincent Bugliosi merely a cover-up for MKULTRA?
Regardless of why the Tate-Labianca murders happened, one historical fact is that many people lay dead in the wake of Charles Manson and the Family. Many also have suffered at the hands of the U.S. Government, the question is why was justice when convicting the Manson Family but no justice has come to those injured, who even fell victim to MKULTRA at the hands of the U.S. Government.
It is funny how Helter Skelter and the supposed mind-controlled motives of the murders made people cringe, but when we find out that the U.S. Government had been doing the same thing for almost 30 years we turn a blind eye and let those who are guilty off scotch free. The mercy of the wicked is cruel, and damaging your own citizens in the name of protecting the masses is contradictory to what a government is called to do by God. Praise those who do good and punish those who do wicked.
It is our greatest hope and deepest prayer before God that through the ministry of Cultish, and our partnership with you, we may see God rescue countless people from darkness.
(1) https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Maddox-1106
(2) http://weeklyview.net/2015/01/22/charles-manson-hoosier-juvenile-delinquent/
(3) https://www.indystar.com/story/news/history/retroindy/2014/01/14/charles-manson/4471927/
(4) CHAOS pg 285-286
(5) CHAOS pg 292
(8) https://law.jrank.org/pages/5109/Central-Intelligence-Agency-Church-Committee-Hearings.html
(9) https://ahrp.org/1977-senate-committee-hearings-cias-covert-research-in-behavioral-modification/
(10) https://theintercept.com/2019/11/24/cia-mkultra-louis-jolyon-west/
(10) https://theintercept.com/2019/11/24/cia-mkultra-louis-jolyon-west/