In brief, Kemeticism encourages people of African descent to return to the ancient Egyptian way of life and religious living; where ancient Egyptian civilization is seen as an origin point. Essentially, Kemeticism is the revival or restoration of ancient Egyptian religious practices.
As a member of the Conscious Community, it possesses two similar characteristics which seem to be present amongst ALL Conscious Community ideologies in varying degrees.
There is a level of disdain for Christianity; Christianity is seen as an oppressive religion; it’s seen as the white man’s religion and one that shouldn’t be practiced by individuals who are black.
On some level, Europeans and/or European culture represents systems of oppression (i.e. the trans-Atlantic slave trade, colonialism, racism) and are seen as antagonistic.
Oddly enough, before many of these ideas became popular in the African American community they had popularity in, predominantly, European circles. 19th and 20th-century individuals like Kersey Greaves, Gerald Massey, and Alvin Boyd Kuhn unwittingly influenced the Kemetic ideology of individuals who are prominent, accepted, and well-known in the Kemetic community today such as George G.M. James, John Henrik Clarke, and Ben Jochannan (“Dr.” Ben).
An oxymoron at its finest.
It must be stated that Kemeticism as an ideology is vast and can vary from person to person in practice. Some practitioners even delineate a distinction between the online vs. non-online Kemetic “world”.
For example, while the basis of Kemetic living for many practitioners is living in accordance with Ma’at (the Egyptian deity who personifies truth, balance, order, justice, reciprocity, righteousness, and harmony), for others the pursuit of Ma’at isn’t always the priority. This can be plainly observed in many popular online spaces.
For this reason, it’s always necessary to utilize this caveat: “some not all”. Here are a few ideas that “some, not all” hold to:
Christianity Is The White Man’s Religion
Jesus and/or Christianity Was Created At The Council Of Nicaea
The 10 Commandments Are A Copy Of The 42 Principles Of Ma’at
The Black Woman Is God And Predates Men
Christianity Was Beat Into And Given To Black People By Their Slave Masters
It would most likely take more articles to unpack the debunk these claims in full; I’ll say a few things here in response to three of them.
Christianity is The White Man’s Religion
The charge that Christianity is “the white man’s religion” would only make sense if one ignores the setting of the Hebrew Scriptures, and/or if you’re unaware of the African presence found in Scripture, the early church, and early church history.
Tradition says that [John] Mark traveled to Alexandria - that’s a city in Egypt - where he established the earliest Christian church. Some of the earliest biblical manuscripts come from Egypt.
Many influential Church Fathers were North African:
Clement of Alexandria
Origin of Alexandria
Athanasius of Alexandria
Cyprian of Carthage
Tertullian of Carthage
Augustine of Hippo
To say that Africa was excluded from the historicity of Christianity and that it’s the white man’s religion is simply erroneous.
Jesus and/or Christianity Was Created At The Council Of Nicaea