Part 2: End Times Visions: The Road to Armageddon


In Part 2 of our series, we continue our conversation with about making sense of current end times. Throughout history, people have used apocalyptic books like "Revelation" & the "Olivet Discourse" to try and interpret & make sense of events like The Cold War, 9/11, The War on Terror, & especially current events taking place right now. Is there an alternative to making sense if biblical prophecy asides from lining it up against whatever the current headlines are? Tune in to fine out!

Part 1:End Times Visions:The Road To Armageddon


In our latest series we explore all the mysteries & complexities of “The Last Days”

Throughout history & especially the last 40 years, people have used the apocalyptic language of Revelation to try and make sense of complex world events & in many cases, forecast specific dates for the end of the world.

Why do people have such a fascination with the last days & how does it played in to Infamous cults like the Manson Family & the tragedy portrayed in the recent mini-series WACO?

Is there a way to make reasonable sense of things like “The Mark of the beast”?

We are joined by Dr. Gary Demar author of “last madness.” You can check out all of his resources at

Part 2: Herbert Armstrong & The Worldwide Church of God


In part 2 of our series, we continue our discussion with Michele Kissman who spent nearly 30 years in the Worldwide Church of God. ⠀ Throughout its entirety, the WWCOG was considered a cult by most evangelicals until recent revisions including changing their name to Grace Communion International in order to distance from all the negative history and baggage associated with the name and Armstrong. Updated editions of Walter Martins “Kingdom of the Cults” also credited them for moving from Cultism into Christianity. Where does Worldwide Church of God stand really stand theologically and are there areas that we should all be still be concerned about? Tune into our latest series to find out!

Part 1: Herbert Armstrong & The Worldwide Church of God


In our latest series we talk with Michele Kissman who spent nearly 30 years in the Worldwide Church of God otherwise known as Armstrongism. In the first part of our discussion we focus in on its founder Herbert W. Armstrong (1892–1986), who was an American newspaper advertising designer prior to starting the WWCOG. Why did his radio & television program “The World Tomorrow” with its apocalyptic vision of world events captivating to so many? What lessons can we learn from here given current events in our world? Tune in to find out!

Part 2: Covid_19 & The Rise of A.I.


In 2nd part of our series we continue our discussion with Matt De Jesus who’s an been an avid filmmaker for over 30 years & was recently featured in a soon to be released documentary about the rise of artificial intelligence that’s featured the likes of people like Elon musk and the Dalai Lama. The three highlight current events and contrast the climate of the outbreak of COVID-19 with the rise of A.I. “What do COVID-19 and A.I. have in common?” and “Can A.I. solve the problem that plagues all mankind”? Tune in to find out!

Part 1: Covid_19 & The Rise Of A.I.


In this episode Jeremiah and the Super Sleuth enter into the COVID-19 pandemic that has taken the world hostage. Joining them is Matt De Jesus an avid filmmaker who has been in business for over 30 years. Together the three highlight current events and contrast the climate of the outbreak of COVID-19 with the rise of A.I. What do COVID-19 and A.I. have in common? and Can A.I. solve the problem that plagues all mankind? Tune into Cultish where this time we enter into current affairs and the rise of A.I.

Part 2: Word of Faith & New Thought: A Modern Assessment


Continuing last weeks discussion on the relationship between New Thought cults and the Word of Faith movement, we are joined by former New Thought proponent Melissa Doughtery and ex New Ager Steven Bancarz to examine positive confessionalism. This “name it and claim it” doctrine originated in the late 1800s with the teaching known as the Law of Attraction, first coined by Luciferian Helena Blavatsky, and became a staple teaching in New Thought and New Age philosophy. Statements such as “you possess what you confess” (Kenyon) and “you can have what you say” (Hagin) are classic lines by prominent Word of Faith fathers, though these principles originate from the metaphysical schools of the late 19th century. Positive confessionalism has worked its way into some very influential modern-day charismatic churches who have began to embrace the likes of Copeland and Hinn within their circles, refurbishing this doctrine under the new titles “declaration” and “decree”. Join us as we discuss the pervasiveness, error, and danger of this staple WOF doctrine and its relationship to the New Thought cults of past and present.

Word of Faith & New Thought: A Modern Assessment


The Word of Faith movement is often critiqued for its health and wealth Gospel, charismatic abuses, and the antics of its televangelists. What’s talked about less often is its historical ties to the metaphysical cults of the late 1800s, and its doctrinal parallels to New Thought and New Age spirituality. Word of Faith grandfather E. W. Kenyon (1867-1948) was influenced by New Thought teachers such as Phineas Quimby and Mary Baker Eddy, thanks to his extensive metaphysical library and the influence of New Thought at his college of study. These teachings later become adopted and intensified by the father of the modern WOF movement Kenneth E. Hagin, who inspired the likes of Copeland, Roberts, and Hinn. In this series, we are joined by former New Thought proponent Melissa Doughtery and former New Ager Steve Bancarz to document these historical ties and analyze the striking similarities between WOF teachings and the metaphysical cults of past and present.

Part 3: How To Talk To Mormon Missionaries


In the third & final part of our “How to Talk to Mormon Missionaries” series we are joined once again by former Mormon missionary Dan Tate and dive into the meat and potatoes of LDS Theology derived from “Lesson Two: Plan of Salvation” from the “Preach My Gospel” handbook. Lesson One was the bridge used by the LDS to show how they are different from Christianity; and how through the Great Apostasy the truth of the gospel was lost. Lesson 2 aims to help the Investigator walk the bridge through the Ordinances of the gospel. So what is the Plan of Salvation now? How are you saved according to LDS theology? Better yet, What are the ordinances that Joseph Smith restored? If you’ve ever wondered what to expect if you ever sit down with a pair of missionaries, our guest Dan Tate gives quite the unique perspective as someone who once believed and taught this message to others for 2 years while on his mission in Florida.

Part 2:How To Talk To Mormon Missionaries


In the second part of our “How to Talk to Mormon Missionaries” series we are joined once again by former Mormon missionary Dan Tate and dive into the Mormon concept of the “Restoration and the Authority of Joseph Smith” derived from the “The Message of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ” from the “Preach My Gospel” handbook. ⠀ ⠀⠀ How can you know the impressions of your heart are your desires or from God? ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Was it up to Joseph to Restore the Gospel or has the Word of God and the Church been preserved throughout time by the power of the Holy Spirit? ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀If you’ve ever wondered what to expect if you ever sit down with a pair of missionaries, our guest Dan Tate gives quite the unique perspective as someone who once believed and taught this message to others for 2 years while on his mission in Florida.