In the third & final part of our “How to Talk to Mormon Missionaries” series we are joined once again by former Mormon missionary Dan Tate and dive into the meat and potatoes of LDS Theology derived from “Lesson Two: Plan of Salvation” from the “Preach My Gospel” handbook. Lesson One was the bridge used by the LDS to show how they are different from Christianity; and how through the Great Apostasy the truth of the gospel was lost. Lesson 2 aims to help the Investigator walk the bridge through the Ordinances of the gospel. So what is the Plan of Salvation now? How are you saved according to LDS theology? Better yet, What are the ordinances that Joseph Smith restored? If you’ve ever wondered what to expect if you ever sit down with a pair of missionaries, our guest Dan Tate gives quite the unique perspective as someone who once believed and taught this message to others for 2 years while on his mission in Florida.