Part 2:Growing Up In The U.P.C.I (United Pentecostal Church International)


In this final segment, we continue our discussion with Jennifer Brewer (the author of "Free: From Legalism to Grace Breaking Out of the United Pentecostal Church"). We elaborate on her turning point within the UPCI (United Pentecostal Church International). Was it the strict standards of "Holiness" that were her breaking point? Or, was it something else altogether that caused Jennifer to question the UPCI? Better yet, what happens to a person when they leave an organization that their whole life & identity is wrapped up in? Time in to find out!

Part 1 : Growing Up In The U.P.C.I (United Pentecostal Church International)


In the first part of our series, we talk with Jennifer Brewer who is the author of "Free: From Legalism to Grace Breaking Out of the United Pentecostal Church".⠀ ⠀ Jennifer was raised since childhood in the UPC and has a unique insiders perspective on what its really like always being looked at and measured up from the length of your skirts and being told if you cut our hair, it means you are severing your relationship with God and would be losing the power you had from the angels to keep your family together.⠀ ⠀ We discuss this and much more in the 1st part of this series!

Part 3 - Unraveling The U.P.C.I. (United Pentecostal Church International)


Due to the overwhelmingly positive response from our latest series on the UPCI, we had our guests Jeff Sully & Andrew James Levesque back on to record another volume on the (U.P.C.I) United Pentecostal Church International. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ Listen in on your favorite podcast catcher as we further explore how to understand those affected by U.P.C.I policies like the holiness code and how to reach out to loved ones & family members in this movement.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ We hope you all enjoy this additional discussion on the U.P.C.I and we hope to explore this movement again sometime soon.