Part 2: Escaping Warren Jeffs & The FLDS


In Part 2 of our exclusive, we continue our conversation with Briell Decker who grew up in the FLDS ( Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) & and became the 65th wife to Warren Jeffs at the age of 18. Shortly after, she began to heavily question the movement she grew up in just as Warren Jeffs became a fugitive from the FBI & became a household name on all the national headlines. How did this collision of worlds lead to her escape from this notorious cult? Tune in to find out! Please consider supporting us at https://thecultishshow.com/donate to help this program to continue and give cult survivors like Brielle a voice.

Part 1: Escaping Warren Jeffs & The FLDS


Join us for this exclusive as we talk with Briell Decker who offers a unique first hand perspective of what it was really like growing up in the FLDS. ( Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) At the age of 18, she became and the 65th wife of Warren Jeffs who's considered by many as one of the most notorious cult leaders in American History. We hope you all enjoy the 1st part of this incredible conversation. Please consider supporting was at https://thecultishshow.com/donate to help this program to continue and give survivors like Brielle a voice.