Church of Israel

Part 2: Rescued From White Supremacy:Life Inside The Church Of Israel

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In the 2nd part of our series, we talk with Sarah Bruce who grew up in and ultimately ended up leaving the “Church of Israel” which still holds to & preaches white supremacy to this very day. .

In this episode, Sarah shares with us the seeds of doubt that were planted in holding to what the church of Israel believes and what caused her to ultimately leave.

Tune into 2nd part of this incredibly important & relevant conversation.

Part 1: Rescued From White Supremacy: Life Inside the Church of Israel


Imagine growing up in a white supremacist church and being taught from a young age that the only skin color that exemplifies the image of God is white and that everyone else is non-human.

In our latest series, we talk with Sarah Bruce who grew up in and ultimately ended up leaving the “Church of Israel” which still holds to & preaches white supremacy to this very day. .

What are their core beliefs and what was it like growing up in a church that tried to use the bible to preach white supremacy?

Turn into this incredibly important & relevant conversation to find out!