Part 2: Dahmer: A Cultish True Crime Story

*Listener discretion is advised In this series, we reunite with Nick Thomas & Dr Robyn Hall from A Couch Divided as we delve into the dark and twisted world of Jeffery Dahmer that shocked the world in the early 1990s.

Nearly 30 years after his horrific murders took, many are still trying to grasp and understand who he was and why he did what he did. Dr. Robyn Hall & Nick Thomas bring an incredibly unique perspective as their primary expertise is understanding post-traumatic stress resulting from various trauma & the complexities of how sociology affects us all. Join us as we talk a look inside the mind of Dahmer.

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Part 1: Dahmer: A Cultish True Crime Story

*Listener discretion is advised In this series, we reunite with Nick Thomas & Dr Robyn Hall from A Couch Divided as we delve into the dark and twisted world of Jeffery Dahmer that shocked the world in the early 1990s.

Nearly 30 years after his horrific murders took, many are still trying to grasp and understand who he was and why he did what he did. Dr. Robyn Hall & Nick Thomas bring an incredibly unique perspective as their primary expertise is understanding post-traumatic stress resulting from various trauma & the complexities of how sociology affects us all. Join us as we talk a look inside the mind of Dahmer.

If you feel led to donate hit the link below to keep this podcast afloat!

Aaron Rodgers, Ayahuasca, & The Divine Feminine

*Explicit Content Warning* - We are reacting to and discussing various audio clips in this episode that have mature content and is not suitable for children.

Join us for a special episode with returning guest Will Spencer as we analyze a podcast episode of Aubrey Marcus and Football MVP Aaron Rodgers. In this episode, we will be analyzing and comparing the cultural zeitgeist being perpetuated against Scripture.

We hope our listeners are encouraged with how to navigate these different worldviews and conversations with Biblical understanding. To hear more from our guest Will Spencer, listen to Episodes 1 + 2 of our Burning Man Series.

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Part 2: How I Found Jesus at Burning Man

Join us as we continue our conversation with Will Spencer as he shares about an unexpected encounter at one of the burn camps that changed the trajectory of his life forever leading him to find what he & many other burners were looking for in Black Rock City.

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Part 1: How I Found Jesus at Burning Man

In many ways, the Burning Man festival is the capitol city of the New Age movement. It's a week-long celebration of hedonism, paganism, and mysticism that attracts 80,000 people every year to the Nevada desert.

Join us as we interview Will Spencer, who takes us into this bizarre city—and then around the world—on his journey from the New Age home to Christ. Along the way we explore some important questions:

What is Burning Man?

Who is "The Man" being burned? What are all those New Age "seekers" seeking?

Tune into this episode to find out!

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Under the Banner of Heaven

It's here! Join us as we talk with Sandra Tanner in this highly anticipated episode about the Lafferty brothers as depicted in the Hulu Series "Under the Banner of Heaven."

Sandra shares her insights into Mormon temple rituals, her direct contribution to the "Under the Banner of Heaven" series, and LDS Church history.

This series is one you definitely don't want to miss!

If you feel led to donate hit the link below to keep this podcast afloat!

Part 2: Introducing Christianity to Mormons

Join us as we conclude our talk with Eric Johnson about his brand new book "Introducing Christianity to Mormons".

In today's episode, we discuss LDS teachings and beliefs about Biblical authority, historical manuscript evidence, Church history, and the topic of works and Salvation.

Be sure to check back to last week’s episode to listen to Part 1 of this series.

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Part 1: Introducing Christianity to Mormons

Join us in Episode 1 as we talk with Eric Johnson about his book "Introducing Christianity to Mormons".

We discuss a broad range of LDS topics including; Witnessing to Mormons, the confusion and medley of beliefs amongst the current LDS Church, and the importance and danger of personal revelation in the Mormon Church.

Whether you're new to this topic, or a veteran in LDS apologetics, you will find this episode insightful and encouraging.

You can get the book HERE!

If you feel led to donate hit the link below to keep this podcast afloat!

Part 2: Why I Left Astrology

Join us for Part 2 as we continue our conversation with Angela Ucci, a former New Age Astrologist.

In this episode, we compare Angela’s former teachings and New Age beliefs to her recent life-changing knowledge of the true Gospel and what The Bible actually teaches.

We cover great topics about her journey to recognizing the divine inspiration of Scripture, the ultimate reality of objective truth, how the New Age twists The Bible, and much more.

Be sure to head back and listen to Part 1 if you haven’t heard it already!

If you feel led to donate hit the link below to keep this podcast afloat!