Part 1: Leaving the Jehovah’s Witnesses: Volume 2


These are the stories of those who have left and survived the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

In this volume, Nathan Todd Fisher shares with us his experience growing up in the watchtower, from going door to door with his parents as a young child, to being disfellowshipped, to ultimately finding what he could never attain in the Watchtower.

Grace ,Peace, and Redemption.

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like growing up in the Watchtower, and what it’s like to be on the outside after being disfellowshipped and shunned, this is definitely a series you need to listen to!

Part 2: Leaving the Jehovah’s Witnesses: Volume 1


This will be the first of many installments telling the stories of those who have left and survived the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

We begin with Clay Frye (left) who was in the Jehovah’s Witnesses for 32 years before being disfellowshipped. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like growing up in the Watchtower, and what it’s like to be on the outside after being disfellowshipped and shunned, this is definitely a series you need to listen to!

Part 1: Leaving the Jehovah’s Witnesses: Volume 1


This will be the first of many installments telling the stories of those who have left and survived the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

We begin with Clay Frye (left) who was in the Jehovah’s Witnesses for 32 years before being disfellowshipped. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like growing up in the Watchtower, and what it’s like to be on the outside after being disfellowshipped and shunned, this is definitely a series you need to listen to!

Rise Of The Cults


In our latest episode of Cultish, co-hosts Jeff Durbin and Jeremiah Roberts are joined by Craig Nelson. Nelson was the executive producer for Dr. Walter Martin (Wally), who started the Bible answer man show in the 1970’s. You’ll be encouraged and entertained beyond belief as Craig gives an intimate behind the scenes look of Walter Martin’s ministry on a day to day basis. We will also have an in depth discussion on how the culture of the 1970’s provided fertile ground for the rise of the cults. But most importantly, you will see the impact that you can make several generations later, just as Walter Martin’s ministry has affected and impacted our show and everything we are doing here at Cultish!

Part 2 : Deciphering Joseph Smith's Book Of Abraham Translation


In part 2 of this series, Co-host Jeremiah Roberts continues his discussion with Dan Tate, a returned missionary who abandoned the LDS faith because of this translation.

Jeremiah & Dan drop you into a fascinating historical timeline starting in the early 1800s when the Mormon prophet Joseph Smith came across an exhibit of Egyptian mummies & papyrus scrolls 📜 that he claimed was

“A Translation of ancient Records that have fallen into our hands from the catacombs of Egypt “

What is the real truth behind this translation?

Why did it cause so many to lose faith in the LDS church when these ancient Egyptian documents were re-discovered in 1967?

Tune in to find out

Part 1 : Deciphering Joseph Smith's Book Of Abraham Translation


Join us for this brand new series of of Cultish, Co-host Jeremiah Roberts is joined in studio by Dan Tate, a returned missionary who abandoned the LDS faith because of this translation.

Jeremiah & Dan drop you into a fascinating historical timeline starting in the early 1800s when the Mormon prophet Joseph Smith came across an exhibit of Egyptian mummies & papyrus scrolls 📜 that he claimed was

“A Translation of ancient Records that have fallen into our hands from the catacombs of Egypt “

What is the real truth behind this translation?

Why did it cause so many to lose faith in the LDS church when these ancient Egyptian documents were re-discovered in 1967?

Tune in to find out

Part 3: Defecting From Bethel


In Part 3 of this highly anticipated Cultish exclusive, co-host Jeremiah Roberts wraps up this compelling conversation with former BSSM student Lindsay Davis.

Just a few weeks ago, Lindsay created much controversy with the announcement that she was expelled from the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry for publicly speaking out against the school.

Why did this happen?

What caused her to doubt Bethel’s cause and begin to think differently than she had a few months prior?

In this three-part series, we speak in depth with Lindsay Davis about her time at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry and discover what makes this worldwide movement so alluring.

We also discuss some very concerning psychological and sociological cultish behaviors which line up with descriptions given by experts like Steven Hassan and Rick Allen Ross, who have extensively researched recent cultish movements in the United States.

Most importantly, we discuss the theological cultish behaviors that fall under Walter Martin’s classic definition:

“ a group of people gathered around a specific person or person’s misinterpretation of the Bible. “

Additionally, we explore the physical and supernatural manifestations happening at Bethel, which brings up the question: are these experiences movements of God, psychosomatic episodes, or something else?

Could it be possible to experience healing and the supernatural apart from God?

There is no doubt that Bethel Church has worldwide influence, and because of this, it is imperative to have this conversation.

We invite you, regardless of where you stand on this issue, to be part of this conversation and listen to Lindsay’s story with an open mind.

Part 2: Defecting From Bethel


In Part 2 of this highly anticipated Cultish exclusive, co-hosts Jeff Durbin and Jeremiah Roberts and continue their conversation with former BSSM student Lindsay Davis.

Just a few weeks ago, Lindsay created much controversy with the announcement that she was expelled from the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry for publicly speaking out against the school.

Why did this happen?

What caused her to doubt Bethel’s cause and begin to think differently than she had a few months prior?

In this three-part series, we speak in depth with Lindsay Davis about her time at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry and discover what makes this worldwide movement so alluring.

We also discuss some very concerning psychological and sociological cultish behaviors which line up with descriptions given by experts like Steven Hassan and Rick Allen Ross, who have extensively researched recent cultish movements in the United States.

Most importantly, we discuss the theological cultish behaviors that fall under Walter Martin’s classic definition:

“ a group of people gathered around a specific person or person’s misinterpretation of the Bible. “

Additionally, we explore the physical and supernatural manifestations happening at Bethel, which brings up the question: are these experiences movements of God, psychosomatic episodes, or something else?

Could it be possible to experience healing and the supernatural apart from God?

There is no doubt that Bethel Church has worldwide influence, and because of this, it is imperative to have this conversation.

We invite you, regardless of where you stand on this issue, to be part of this conversation and listen to Lindsay’s story with an open mind.